This is such a beautiful essay. The sweetest gift God has given us, in my opinion, was making us in His image and letting us bear witness not just to Him but to all of creation and all that ourselves create. We aren’t just part of a beautiful making, we are the making and the makers and all of the beautiful things He calls us to be. Thank you for sharing 🤍

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Beautifully put, Atria. I completely agree.

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I’ve also been on a journey to rediscover what my faith looks like without being held to traditional/cultural constructs of it. I’m trying to release myself from pressure to see it one way if that doesn’t feel honest anymore. So it was a joy to read your perspective on it too!

There are so many beautiful images in this piece. The idea that growth not being linear is evidenced in nature AND that that is proof of God’s love hit me sideways. Yes, yes and yes 👏🏾

It’s a reminder that there’s room for us to grow beautiful and strong in directions we aren’t expecting. Thank you for sharing this Yulani!

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Thank you so much for receiving this letter so deeply ❤️. Growth and faith was never meant to be linear. Wishing you so much peace and joy as you continue on your faith journey.

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Mar 22Liked by Yulani Sann

I’ve been rediscovering faith/spirituality outside of the previous Catholic parameters that I grew up in and honestly, you’ve kind of hit the nail on the head with how I’ve started approaching faith as well. I don’t know if you have any knowledge of Tarot, but I’ve been pulling a card called “The Hierophant” in reverse very often lately, and that card is all about becoming comfortable with exploring faith and religion in the way that best suits you and your personal expression. The card calls you to not be boxed in by traditional or assumed religious norms, instead calling you to make your own, authentic path. I feel like the message that card gives and the message you’ve explored in this post work so well together. x

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Thank you so much ❤️

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Mar 12Liked by Yulani Sann

“Before I return back to dust and back to spirit, stretch marks resemble thunder strikes; pupils: rocks that a nuzzled away into the soil and beach shore or the stars themself; arm and leg hairs: grass, afros, bushes of leaves on trees; fingerprints: stumps of trees and snowflakes; blush: a sweet sunrise; cellulite: puddles and bodies of water; textured skin: the bark of a tree. The Earth takes care of me, as I take care of it.”

Beautiful piece and imagery! This feels like poetry.

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Oh my, thank you so so much ❤️

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Mar 12Liked by Yulani Sann

Amen and amen. I love that line in Genesis so much because it reminds me that God is a relational being just like we are. When I feel down, I’m reminded how as humans we are the crowing act of creation. He stepped down from glory to make us in His image. God, what a guy.

I’ve also had that feeling you mentioned in the beginning. I live in the south now, I was a city boy my whole life. Looking up and seeing the stars humbled me so much - I realize how small I was but still important. Thank you for your words today!

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There is definitely something so humbling about nature. Something so beautiful about God and faith. Thanks for receiving and appreciating my work!❤️

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Yulani, you’ve simplified and offered your truth and observation in a way that is so easy for the heart to hold, and I yield to it so gladly. I’m so glad I took a quiet moment to read this without distraction because there is so much delicate truth in this essay. Your love for God is beautifully encapsulated here.

Thanks for expanding. I resonate with this too as my relationship with the Most High/Yah follows a similar trajectory as yours. I often say that I find congregation in the ocean or with my feet dampened by morning dew. I hear God clearer and feel moved to tears with more ease than I ever have in a church, and I have stopped resisting this now. This is why I’m so grateful for your sharing of your intimacy with your Creator. It really is generous and a ministry that I give thanks for.

As ever your language is beautiful and precise. I hope many people can find the space to sit with this and find ‘proof of God’s love’ (this line touched my heart the way it did Kezia’s too). You really wrote from a place of care and it’s felt, so thank you.

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Amara, as always your comment has me tearing up. Thank you so much for the love. Im happy this touched you and you were available to receive it fully ❤️

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awwww grateful for you and this my love ❤️

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