About Lani’s Library.

A letter from the writer about writing and loving life:

I'm in love with the slow, tedious lovemaking that writing is.

That same love of slowness trickles over into many- if not all aspects of my life. What I accept into my life is slowness and gentleness. I spend most of my days gardening, cooking/baking, reading a novel, playing scrabble or crossword puzzles, enjoying jazz or country music, soaking in the sun, and people watching.

My site is all of my experiences with womanhood, being a soft-hearted person in a hard world, creating spaces of solitude for myself, and learning how to fully love others and the Earth.

I am Yulani Sann. My name - Yulani - means rain from Heaven. Which is why it was no surprise when I started to have a deep bond with nature. These love letters will make frequent stops at personal histories, the adventures I go on, and the books I love.

With that being said, I place no deadlines on my work and write at my own pace. I give myself permission to write one, two, or six pieces a month. What matters to me is the effort and impact I put behind my work.

Contact (business inquiries): lanisannlibrary@gmail.com

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Thank you so much. Every little thing is appreciated.

All my love,

Yulani Sann

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Lani’s Library is an archive of Yulani's essays, book reviews, and poetry about life's adventures and mundaneness.


Yulani Sann is a part time librarian, aspiring naturalist, tea-drinker, and literature-lover. Lani's Library is where her love letters live.